The Humble Beginnings of Fishers by faith ministries

Trusting in the Lord’s Leading

In 2010, the ministry of Fishers By Faith was founded and established by Pastor Jan Perkins in Summerville, South Carolina. The message the Lord has given him has encouraged many to have faith to believe again.

Pastor Perkins’ goal is to minister throughout the earth and obey the voice of the Lord by “Spreading the Word” and winning the lost for Christ. God has given Pastor Perkins a gift to minister prophetically in the areas of holiness and faith.

His helpmeet, Lady Mary Perkins, works quietly yet boldly beside him for the Kingdom of God. Her heart is that of a loving mother. She intercedes on behalf of God’s children as if they were her own. She works with grace, love, and compassion as she assists her husband in carrying the vision that God has placed in their hands.

Fishers By Faith Family Worship Center welcomes all to join us at our church in Summerville, South Carolina. If you’ve been thinking, praying, searching, and hoping for a place to belong, we would love for you to be a part of our church family.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to reach lost souls so that they can be spiritually productive through teaching, preaching, and healing.

Teaching shows our concern for understanding.

Preaching shows our concern for commitment.

Healing shows our concern for wholeness and building a foundation on the solid rock, which is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Pastor

Pastor Jan Perkins

Founder and Pastor

Pastor Perkins was saved through the TBN ministry back in the year of 1997. He later started seeking to know more and more about the Lord and joined Deliverance Temple Ministries in Hardaway, Florida. This is where the pastor is Bishop Titus B. Deas Jr.

During his years at DTM ministries, he has grown in his relationship with God and man. His then mentor and pastor saw the hand of God upon his life and his spiritual growth. So, he was entrusted and elevated to the office of an ordained deacon.

Receiving a Vision From Above

The ministry was given birth through a dream and the word of prophecy.

One night, Pastor Perkins was led into a dream by the Spirit of God. In this dream, the Lord spoke the name of the church. The Lord also gave Pastor Perkins a word of prophecy that he would be in ministry in the area of the Carolinas. And at that time, the place had not been specified.

As Pastor Perkins continued walking with the Lord, He continued to make it clearer for him what specific place He wanted him to be.

Early one morning on his way to work, a semi-truck kept flashing the light. So, Pastor Perkins thought the truck wanted him to get over, so he slowed down and pulled to the side. As the truck passed by him, he saw Charleston South Carolina on the side of the truck. And the Lord said to him, “that’s where I want you to go”.

So, Pastor Perkins came to South Carolina and started Fishers By Faith Ministries in October 2010.

Following God​’s Call

As the Lord continued to lead and guide Deacon Perkins in his spiritual journey, he had another tutor and mentor: Bishop James E. Hamilton, the Founder of New Harvest Ministries. Bishop Hamilton also saw the hand of God upon his life and made him a youth minister for 3 years.

After being a youth minister, he later became an elder where he worked in the church faithfully. He served with all his strength, helping his pastor and the congregants.

While serving his church, Elder Perkins heard the call of God to go out and start a ministry. He answered the call in 2010.

The Beginning of a New Chapter and a New Ministry

Pastor Jan Perkins is now the founder and Pastor of Fishers By Faith Ministries. He is married to Mary Perkins and has been for fifteen years. They are both from the South Georgia area where most of their loved ones reside.

They are both dedicated to building God’s Kingdom, one family at a time. Their life is dedicated to becoming examples; encouraging men and women to live up to their full potential in Christ.

The style of preaching and teaching the Spirit of the Lord has given to Pastor Perkins enables him to reach others with humor, warmth, transparency, and strength.

“…for they received the word with all eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”
– Acts 17:11

Such seems to be the threads that have woven the fabric of the life and ministry of Pastor Perkins.

our ministries

Marriage Ministry

We offer the ministry of healing and wholeness in marriage because a healthy marriage will help to make a healthy and strong church.

“That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”

– Eph. 5:27

Witnessing Ministry

We offer this ministry to those who feel that call to go outside of the four walls of the church and compel men, women, boys, and girls to come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

“And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

– Luke 14:23

Outreach Ministry

This ministry was implemented to allow the hand of God to be an extension into the community so that the love that God has for mankind can be shown in a tangible way. Through this ministry, the Lord has allowed us to be able to give during the Thanksgiving season to some of the communities in our area.

We started out giving 25 turkeys, and the Lord has blessed us to be able to get to 75 turkeys.

We look forward to this number to continue to rise as we work for the Lord. The outreach ministry looks forward to doing greater things in the near future.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for which such sacrifices God is well pleased.”

– Heb. 13:16

Awards and recognitions

Coming Soon…